Thursday, January 27, 2011

being a bee+other things

i've been so busy lately with all the beta alpha psi pledge manual associate handbook. i loved (am loving) working on it, but the time crunch coupled with my impending midterm doesn't help alleviate the stress. i can't wait for the weekend and dineLA.

funniest comment i heard today while walking back to my car: "sam is so toxic to heather." i LOLed.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

i gave you my chances chances

I went to LACMA (Los Angeles County Modern Art Musuem) with one of my roommate a few weeks back. We took a couple of 'model' shots at the lamp posts (how can you NOT?). We only visited 2 of the exhibits because we ran out of time for street parking. My favorite has to be the Fashioning Fashion exhibit. After our short time spent at LACMA, we went to eat at Philippe's, grabbed a beer at the Library Alehouse and walked around Santa Monica. I tried this gold sequin dress at a boutique and fell in love with it. I probably would have gotten it if the sleeves had lining (so poke-y) and if the zipper wasn't so difficult to maneuver up and down. I found a similar looking dress on Lulu's and I simply LOVE the low-cut back.

Unfortunately, it's all sold out. It would have been the perfect, albeit a bit slutty, New Year's Eve/Day outfit.

I also spent New Year's Eve with some of my favorite people: