Friday, December 17, 2010


what better way to celebrate the end the friday after finals and the beginning of winter break than going to the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH: Disneyland (during Christmas time)

then, on saturday i went to the moss adams holiday party and abused the photo booth

monday: went to the taping of Let's Make A Deal and dressed up as crayons. i was the teal one.

wednesday night: christmas party hosted at your's truly (pictures taken by shiv)
we cut out paper snowflakes and pinned then to the ceiling. it looked amazing.

me in my moose hat

i love the winter holidays. it never fails to warm my heart. this year, our family bought our first ever real christmas tree. we went to home depot and found a good 7ft. douglas fir and bought it, but when my dad came around with his car to load the tree, we found out that they had loaded it onto the wrong car and gave it to someone else. so this other family got a bigger tree and we were left kinda pissed. fortunately they gave us a free pick of any tree to make it up to us. in the end, we went for an 8footer half douglas half noble fir. it looks great in our living room.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

secret santa

secret santa with my lovely BAY brothers this past friday. ♥
super cute anthropologie gift card holder that i got for my giftee
her customized bag! and a christmas penguin finger puppet
hot pot time. DIG IN!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


It's 3:05AM and I have a paper to write for my Anthro of Religion class. I only have my intro paragraph; a short 1/2 page to my 5 page minimum paper due tomorrow today afternoon. I'm not sure if I can pull it off and why am I not panicking right now. Maybe in the next 2 hours, I'll start feeling the pressure.